Reasons Why Strong Perfumes Give You a Headache

If you’ve ever had a headache after wearing strong perfumes, you’re not alone. Many people experience this problem due to fragrance sensitivities. In addition to perfume, other products like fabric softeners, laundry detergent, and dishwasher detergent can all contain chemical fragrances that trigger headaches. That’s why it’s important to avoid products that have strong fragrances.


People with a strong aversion to certain scents can suffer from headaches and migraines. According to experts, who study migraines and osmophobia, 86 percent of migraine sufferers experience migraine attacks triggered by odors. In fact, nearly a quarter of migraine sufferers are chronically osmophobic, meaning they suffer from migraines all the time. While it is hard to pinpoint exactly what triggers your migraines, you can learn more about how to avoid the scents that trigger them.

The first step in treating osmophobia is to determine the trigger of the headache. Osmophobia is related to other disorders, such as chemophobia and animal phobia. For people who experience migraines because of osmophobia, this sensitivity can be treated by exposing them to a scented product or environment gradually. If you notice that osmophobia is affecting your ability to enjoy your favorite scents, consult your physician for further testing.

Synthetic Fragrances

If you’re sensitive to synthetic fragrances, you should avoid them altogether. The problem is that fragrances often contain chemicals that are known to cause allergic reactions, including headaches. However, this does not mean that synthetic fragrances are the only cause of a headache. Those who suffer from allergies should try to find alternative fragrances made of natural ingredients, such as essential oils. Unfortunately, the selection of these products is limited.

In addition to giving you a headache, synthetic fragrances can cause other health problems. They are also harmful for those with breathing problems, asthma, and allergies. Although these effects may not be immediately apparent, science clearly shows that synthetic fragrances are dangerous. You should avoid any product that uses synthetic fragrances if you’re sensitive to them.

Keeping a diary of the things you wear and smell can help you identify what is triggering your headache. If you find a fragrance that triggers your migraine, you can take it to your doctor. Your physician may prescribe an over-the-counter medication that can reduce your symptoms.


About the Author: Mark

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